Summit Youth:
Info You Need to Know
- We will meet at Summit Church at 3:30pm Friday afternoon and will leave the church at 4pm.
- Students Need to bring bedding (pillows, blankets, sheets) and toiletries (soap, shampoo, towels). These are not supplied by the Camp.
- On Sunday morning we will be attending the 8am service at Grace Temple and then returning home. We are projected to return at roughly 2pm Sunday afternoon.
- While it may not be listed in the Parent Packet, please advise your student to have some nice looking clothing for our night chapels (This does NOT have to be Sunday best or anything fancy. Just some CLEAN clothes that are respectable)
- All Payments for camp must be finalized by November 3rd
- Cell Phones will be the ONLY electronics allowed for the weekend. Students will be expected to not be on their phones unnecessarily. If you see this possibly being a problem for your child we suggest that you don’t allow them to bring their phone. Phones will be taken away from students if used excessively through- out the weekend. Game systems and other electron- ics will not be allowed.
- Camp RISE is not responsible for any lost or stolen property, so bring at your own risk. We highly suggest that AirPods and other similar devices be left at home. These types of devices tend to grow legs and walk away during events like this.
Parent Packet Download
The Parent Packet located below has everything you need to know concerning the Fall Retreat.
Camp Rise Defense Course Liability Form
Every student will need to have a Liability form signed before we leave for camp!
Camp Shelby Facilities Release Form
We recommend that you print this out and bring it on Friday afternoon. Every student will need to have a Liability form signed before we leave for camp!